Kręczynka jesienna Spiranthes spiralis (L.) Chevall. osiąga w Polsce północno-wschodnią granicę zasięgu. Aktualnie w kraju potwierdzono jedynie kilkanaście stanowisk gatunku. W sierpniu 2012 roku znaleziono nowe stanowisko zlokalizowane w Górach Sanocko-Turczańskich, w miejscowości Solina – rozszerza ono w kierunku południowo-wschodnim aktualny zasięg gatunku w Polsce.
A new location of Spiranthes spiralis was found in the Sanocko-Turczańskie Mountains. In Poland Spiranthes spiralis is a declining, critically endangered species, reaching the north-eastern limit of its distribution. There are a dozen or so confirmed sites in the whole country. The new site was found at the end of August 2012 and is located in the village of Solina, in a young forest near the San River, between the Myczkowski and Soliński reservoirs. The new site, with 8 flowering plants, is about 4 m2 in area. The main threats to the site include: spreading of Calamagrostis epigejos and Solidago canadensis, changes in microclimatic conditions related to the growth of trees, human activity (tourism, waste dumping) and soil eutrophication due to organic waste.