Lake Wigry and its surroundings were undoubtedly shaped by the neotectonics connected with the structural plan of the old basement and activated by particular Pleistocene ice sheets along parallel and meridional relaxed and fractured zones. Parallel and meridional faults activated during Pleistocene as a result of glacioisostasy (loading of advancing continental glaciers) marked present surface as blocks. The present surface of Lake Wigry's surroundings was mainly created by the accumulation and deforming (glaciotectonic) action of the Vistulian (Weichselian) ice sheet during its advance and then deglaciation. Based on the interpretation of photolineaments and morpholineaments in this area, several nearly meridional (NNW-SSE, NNE-SSW), and six (1-6) parallel (E-W) or close to parallel (ENE-WSW) fault zones can be distinguislied. In addition, NW-SE and NE-SW directions can be observed. The Northern Basin (Northern Ploso) and the Central Basin (Middle Ploso) located between 2-3 and 3-4 parallel morpholineament zones have kettle holes origin with tectonic structures and glacial-erosional influences. However, the origin of the southern part of Lake Wigry (Southern Ploso) is connected with the tectonic influences, erosional and deformal activity of the Vistulian ice sheet. The present Lake Wigry was formed in the Late Pleistocene due to the melting of the dead ice blocks filled particular basins (plosa).