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2011 | 33 | 3 |

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Effect of salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate on antioxidant systems of Haematococcus pluvialis


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The influence of phytohormones, salicylic acid (SA) and methyl jasmonate (MJ) on the antioxidant systems in Haematococcus pluvialis was investigated. Both SA and MJ at 500 µM concentration reduced the growth of alga with salicylic acid, having more pronounced effect. Carotenoid and chlorophyll contents were decreased by SA and increased by MJ. Salicylic acid (100 µM) increased astaxanthin content to 6.8-fold under low light (30 µmol m⁻² s⁻¹), while MJ (10 µM) showed marginal increase in astaxanthin. Salicylic acid (500 µM) increased superoxide dismutase activity to 4.5- and 3.3-fold and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity to 15.5- and 7.1-fold under low and high light, respectively. Methyl jasmonate increased catalase activity (1.4-fold) under high light and APX activity (5.4-fold) under low light. Different mechanism of oxidative stress induced antioxidant production may be the plausible reason for this varied response for salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate. Higher concentrations of SA and MJ inhibited astaxanthin accumulation by different mechanisms either by scavenging the free radicals or by increasing primary carotenoids production. At lower concentrations, these phytohormones could be used for elicitation of secondary carotenoid production.

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  • Plant Cell Biotechnology Department, Central Food Technology Research Institute, Mysore 570 020, India
  • Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark DE 19716, USA
  • Plant Cell Biotechnology Department, Central Food Technology Research Institute, Mysore 570 020, India


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