Using the method of parasitological section and staining method H-E for histopathological sections, the author examined 281 indivuals of stickleback G. aculeatus (L.) during the years 1982-1985. In 65 individuals (lenght 2.5-6.0 cm) the presence of unsporulated oocysts of Eimeria aculeati Jastrzębski, 1984 in the intestine was found, in 27 fish of similar lenght - the presence of unsporulated oocysts of Eimeria żarnowskii Jastrzębski, 1982. Species was determined after sporulation of the oocysts in aquarium water, at 20°c. In the liver of two sticklebacks, 8.5 and 9.0 cm in lenght, numerous focuses with the oocysts of Eimeria gasterostei (Thélohan, 1890) Doflein, 1909 were found. In drying fresh smears of the liver a longitudinal, circumferential suture on the sporocyst wall was visible (fig. 1, 2) which made the authors revise the species and determine it as Goussia (Goussia) gasterostei (Thélohan, 1890) - s. Eimeria gasterostei (Thélohan, 1890) Doflein, 1909. G. gasterostei is a parasite new for Poland. Histopathological studies revealed the existence of intraplasmic meronts in the life cycle of E. aculeati, and these were classified by the authors in the following groups: 6-merozoit, 12-merozoit and 22-merozoit and are supposed to represent at least three generations of merogony. It was found that in the development of Eimeria żarnowskii the trophozoites and gamonts parasitise on the surface of the intestine epithelium (fig. 5, 6). In 19 of 265 fish two coccidia were found in the intestine: E. aculeati and E. żarnowskii. The extensity of the infection during the years 1982-85 is presented in table 1. The development forms of the parasites are presented in figs. 1-8.