Przedstawiono zmiany w systemie płatności bezpośrednich stosowane w krajach UE-IS. Omówiono system jednolitej płatności na gospodarstwo (SPS). Przedstawiono model historyczny, regionalny i hybrydowy. Zwrócono uwagę na system płatności bezpośrednich stosowany w Wielkiej Brytanii. Podkreślono zmiany w systemie płatności bezpośrednich polegające na coraz większym oddzieleniu ich od wielkości i kierunku produkcji.
The system of direct payments was introduced in EU in 1992 and is constantly changing. A new approach to the system was implemented by the Luxembourg reform and stressed the need to decouple the payments from the direction of production. However, individual EU countries have had the possibility of linking payments to production in exceptional circumstances eg. where no application of this rule may result in cessation of the production of plants or animals. There are several models of direct payments in the EU. An example of the diversification model of direct payments within one country is the United Kingdom, where the final form depends on the internal decisions of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. UK is an example of the historical and the hybrid model. Existing views on payment system clearly show that the historical model is an outdated system that needs to be changed after 2013. There is currently no reason that the payments were calculated on the basis of the payments received by the farmer during reference period. Besides, more and more countries, especially net contributors to the EU budget, are in favor of reducing direct payments and even for the total dismantling of the system.