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2009 | 28A | 1 |

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Long-term and seasonal variability of runoff of the Yangtze River and its tributaries in the Sichuan Basin (South-West China)


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Opis fizyczny



  • Institute of Physical Geography and Environmental Planning, Adam Mickiewicz University, Dziegielowa 27,61-680 Poznan, Poland


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  • Hydrological Bureau of the Clwngjiang Water Resources Protection Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources of China, 2000: The 1998 Yangtze River Flood and Prognoses of Hydrological Monitoring. China Water Protection & Hydropower Publishing House, Beijing (in Chinese).
  • Hydrological Yearbooks of tlw Yangtze River Basin, 1954-1987. Water Protection Press, Beijing (in Chinese).
  • Li Z.Z., 2004: The Cause of Flooding in the Yangtze River Valley and Measurements for Disaster Reduction. (In:) Jiang T., King L., Gemmer M., Kundzewicz Z.W.: Climate Change and Yangtze Floods. Proceedings of a Sino-German Workshop on Climate Change and Yangtze Floods. April 4th-8th, 2003, Nanjing, China. Science Press, Beijing, 377-384.
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