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2018 | 25 | Special Issue S1 |

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Methods of determination of frictional resistance for prediction of total resistance of inland waterway vessels


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In the present paper presented are the results of prediction of total resistance of inland waterway vessels based on model test data. In scaling the resistance from model to full scale the extrapolation with two-dimensional frictional resistance formulation (without form factor) was applied, combined with different methods of determination of frictional (viscous) resistance coefficient. There were used the equations that include the effect of water depth, with and without account for pressure gradient. It was shown that limited depth of water substantially affects the frictional resistance. The results of example calculations are compared to resistance prediction made using the ITTC 1957 model-ship correlation line. Example calculations take into account the limited depth of water. Depending on the applied method of determination of frictional resistance coefficient the resultant total resistance of inland waterway vessel is higher or lower than the resistance based on the ITTC 1957 correlation line. The effect of water depth depends on the ratio of water depth to ship draught (h/T), on ship speed, and on the composition of a convoy. The extrapolation of resistance was made without including the form factor. Computations are made based on model test data for an inland waterway cargo vessel, for a kombi-type convoy of an inland waterway cargo vessel and a dumb barge, and for a convoy of two dumb barges without a pushboat

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  • Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland


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