In the presented study, three methods of copper fractionation – Tessier et al., BCR, and Zeien-Brümmer – were compared. The object of experiments comprised soil samples collected from the drilling level (0-25 cm) of soils situated at two transects (eastern and western) and at different distances from the source of emission (i.e. shaft furnace chimneys) near the Legnica Copper Smelter. Copper content was determined by the AAS method using appropriate reference materials. A significant dependence was found in the copper concentration at a distance from the emitter that declined markedly at points more distant from it. Mean values of copper in individual fractions as well as confidence intervals exhibited a higher similarity between Tessier et al. and Zeien-Brümmer methods. In the case of all methods, copper quantities in fraction B (associated with Fe and Mn oxides) and C fractions (associated with organic matter) were similar. In the remaining fractions, i.e. A (easily exchangeable and carbonate) and D (residual), considerably greater differences were determined. The performed solubility indices analysis (fraction A/Σ fraction A+B+C+D) revealed that the results obtained using the Tessier et al. method differed considerably from those obtained by employing BCR and Zeien-Brümmer procedures.