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2019 | 34 | 1 |

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Effect of three bedding materials on the microclimate conditions, cows behavior and milk yield

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This work aim was to study the influence of low temperatures on the behavior, productivity and heat production of cows with different types of bedding material (deep litter, sawdust, com-post manure) keeping conditions. During keeping at low temperatures on deep litter, the highest average daily temperature was observed (-11.8°С) and the lowest humidity was 84.4% as compa-red to the sawdust and compost manure litter. There were observed higher temperature values of the room and resting place under the lying cow when keeping on a deep litter. The total energy expenditure for heat production in cows with keeping on deep litter was by 2.95 and 2.43 MJ lower, as compared to keeping on sawdust and compost manure bedding. With temperature decrease there was observed a tendency to increase the duration of rest in a lying position with all variants of litter. The highest value was with keeping on deep litter – 846 minutes per day.At the same time, the duration of food consumption was slightly decreased. Productivity of cows, when keeping on sawdust litter, declined by 9.11% (2.38 kg), with compost manure bedding – by 8.36% (2.45 kg), and with deep litter – by 5.31% (1.36 kg)

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Opis fizyczny



  • Chair of Technology of Milk and Meat Production, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University in Bila, Tserkva, Ukraine
  • Chair of Genetics, Breeding and Reproductive Biotechnology, National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine in Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Chair of Technology of Milk and Meat Production, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University in Bila, Tserkva, Ukraine
  • Chair of Technology of Milk and Meat Production, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University in Bila, Tserkva, Ukraine


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