Plonowanie pszenicy ozimej w stanowisku po bobiku w siewie czystym i z wsiewką w zależności od terminu siewu, z uwzględnieniem zawartości azotu mineralnego w glebie
Yielding of winter wheat grown in stands after field bean and field bean with undersown depending on sowing date, with regard to mineral nitrogen contens in the soil
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On a degraded chernozem (at the Experimental Farm Prusy near Cracow) in the years 1997- 2000 field experiments were carried out to determine the residual effects of different field bean types and field bean with undersown on winter wheat yields. The response of Polish cultivar "Sakwa" to sowing at a recommended date or 4 weeks later was tested. Late planting resulted in a significant reduction in grain yield of winter wheat and number spikes per square meter. Wheat kernels from recommended planting date were heavier but each spike contained fewer kernels. The field bean with undersown of radish had more favourable effects on total protein content as compared to field bean used as previous crop. No differences in the effects of field bean cultivars were observed. The content of Nmin. in the soil was differentiated by previous crop of winter wheat. Residues of N-N03 and N-NH4 from field bean with undersown of radish were smaller than field bean grown in pure stand.
Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin, Akademia Rolnicza w Krakowie, al.Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków
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