Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Lugansk, Ukraine
1. Ansoff H.I., 1984.: Implanting Strategic Management. Prentice-Hall, p. 206-211.
2. Danich V., 2010.: Modeling of avalanche-like socioeconomic processes. Teka. Commission of motorization and power industry in agriculture Lublin university of technology Volodimir Dal East-Ukrainian national university of Lugansk.Volume XA. Lublin, p. 78-91.
3. Dibnis G.I., Romahova O.A., Derjak N.A. and others, 2009.: Theory and practice of business administration: a training manual. Lugansk: Knowledge, 488 p.
5. Grigoriev L., Makarevich M., Gorelik S., 2010.: Management of notes: Technologies of building companies. M.: Alpena Publishers, 692 p.
6. Ivanitskii V.L., 2010.: Regular management: The issue of the content term Medyaskop, No 1.
7. Kozachenko A.V., Lyashenko A.N., Dibnis G.I., 2006.: Management by the major concern. Monograph. K: Libra, 384 p.
8. Latfullin G.R, 2006.: Organization Theory. St.Peter, 395 p.
9. Milner B.Z., 2002.: Theory of organization. M.: INFRA-M. 480 p.
10. Myrotyn L.B., Chubukov A.B., Tashbaev U.E., 2003.: The logistics administration. Moscow: Exam, 480 p.
11. Porter M.E., 1998.: The Competitive Advantage of Nations. Macmillan.
12. Raychenko A.V., 2008.: Administrative Management. Moscow: Infra-M, 384 p.
13. Raychenko A.V., 2008.: Administrative Management. Moscow: Infra-M, 416 p.
14. Raychenko A.V., 2009.: Management. Moscow: Infra-M, 384 p.
15. Richard B. Chase, Nicholas J. Equaling, Robert F. Jacobs., 2008.: Manufacturing and Operating Management. M.: Publishing House "Williams", 1184 p.
16. Porshnev A.G., 2003. Office of the organization. Moscow: Infra-M, 716 p.
17. Sharipova O.S., 2010.: Objects of administrative management harmonization of processes of functioning integrated enterprise structures. Luhansk, No 2 (34).
18. Strujan Y., 1999.: Impossible organization: Self-management and organizational reprod. N. Y.: Greenwood press, 199 p.
19. Turovec O.G., 2003.: Theoretical bases of organization of production. Voronezh, 216 p.
20. Yiannis G., 2000.: Organizing and organization: an introduction. London: SAGE, 245 p.