The effects of pesticides (Aminopielik D, Siarkol K., Sportak 45 EC, Tilt 250 EC) and their mixtures with urea, micronutrient fertilizers (Insol-3) or retardant (Retacel) in solution on content and yield of crude protein in winter wheat grain as well as on nutritive value of the protein (amino acid composition) were investigated. It was stated the significant effect of protection and integrated measures on increase of content and yield of crude protein. Pesticides as well as their mixtures with fertilizers affected at the nutritive value of wheat protein increasing the values of EAA index on the average from 2,1 (herbicide) to 3,0 points in the case of full protection and foliar crop nutrition with nitrogen and retardant. The first limiting amino acid was izoleucine and the next one methionine.