The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of production resources management in ecological farms of different size area in the years 2007-2009. The surveyed farms were diversified by incurred costs as well as by production and economic outcomes. The fluctuation of production outcomes levels resulted also in fluctuation in the areas of: pro- ductivity resources, farms profitability and economic effectiveness of the capital resources in specific area groups. The indicated differences in the results achieved by groups of farms of different size was mostly conditioned by varied production organization and its scale, whereas the effectiveness differentiation in the surveyed years was influenced by the economic situation in agriculture. The noticeable trend was the increase in size of farms resulted in smaller productivity land and total assets. It was caused by several factors, such as organization of production, mainly in plant sector, eco-products prices and the fall of production intensity (the level of the material costs by 1 ha of agricultural land) in larger farms.