W pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę występowania dwóch gatunków obcego pochodzenia – stokłosy spłaszczonej Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn. i kolczurki klapowanej Echinocystis lobata (F. Michx.) Torr. & A. Grey na obszarze Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego. Stokłosa spłaszczona została sprowadzona do Polski jako trawa uprawna na początku lat 60. XX wieku, a kolczurka klapowana pojawiła się w naszym kraju już w latach 30. XX wieku jako roślina ozdobna. Na terenie Parku stokłosa spłaszczona została znaleziona na jednym, przydrożnym stanowisku, natomiast kolczurka klapowana na piętnastu rozproszonych wzdłuż doliny Prądnika.
One of the problems connected with the protection of biodiversity of flora and vegetation is the process of expansion of species of alien origin. At present, nearly 480 anthropophytes, including 30 invasive plant species, have been found in the territory of Poland. So far, some of them constitute a local threat, others, however, are a serious problem throughout Europe. The greatest impact of the invasive plants on the native flora occurs in the west and in the south of the country, where environment was the most transformed, and the increasing degradation of natural ecosystems caused by rapid development of civilisation has supported further expansion of the growing number of invading species. In recent years, the intensive processes of anthropogenization of the native vegetation in the Ojców National Park has favoured the invasion of alien species. It is estimated that 127 of the species recorded in the Park flora are anthropophytes, including 41 kenophytes that have arrived quite recently. The paper presents characteristics of the two species of foreign origin − Bromus carinatus and Echinocystis lobata. The species are native to North America and very common in Europe. In the Ojców National Park several sites of these species were found during the floristic research in 2006–2011: fourteen natural sites of Echinocystis lobata and one in cultivation, as well as one site of Bromus carinatus. Their distribution have been presented on the map (Fig. 2). Bromus was found in the association of Arrhenatheretum elatioris with species from the order of Onopordetalia acanthii. Echinocystis was recorded in the community of Alno-Ulmion. The accompanying species (Aegopodium podagraria, Ficaria verna, Impatiens noli-tangere and Stellaria nemorum) belong mainly to the class of Querco-Fagetea.