Climate change as a global phenomenon manifested mainly through global warming and water scarcity in the world. Using of native drought resistant plants in the urban landscape of arid and semi-arid regions can help water resources management. We conducted an experiment to investigate drought resistance of a native plant (Nitraria schoberi) in Iran by three irrigation intervals (each 2, 4 and 6 days). Data collection was performed in three stages. Our results indicated that irrigation intervals did not affect significantly the chlorophyll a and b content and ratio of chlorophyll a/b. Generally with increasing in irrigation intervals, carotenoid, proline and sugar content and also RWC were increased in during experiment. It is concluded that due to increase of proline and sugar content with increasing of irrigation interval, Nitraria schoberi is a drought tolerant plant which can be used in urban landscape of arid and semi-arid regions.