The studies were carried out during the period April 1982 - July 1984. The statistical analysis of the dependence between the temperature and the intensity of occurrence of 4 species of the genus Dactylogyrus in bream (Abramis brama L.) was made in two variants (tab. 1, 2). In both cascs correlation coefficients between the variables, as well as regression coefficients, estimating the linear dependence according to the equation: y = a±bx (cf. fig. 1a-d). The correlation coefficient was verified using the t Student test. The statistical analysis has not revealed any statistically significant dependence between mean month temperatures during the whole investigation period, and the intensity of occurrence of particular of the genus Dactylogyrus species. However, a highly significant (+ +) and significant (+) correlation has been found between the temperature differences in consecutive months of investigations, and the intensity of occurrence of particular species. This confirms the previous suggestion that the studied species of the genus Dactylogyrus react to the temperature changes in the environment. In agreement with calculated coefficients, the higher the temperature difference within a short period, the greater the changes of the density in the population. The density of all the species was the highest in March when the temperature increased by ca. 4°C within a month, and the lowest in October or November at the temperature decrease by ca. 4.5°C. It can be assumed that a rapid temperature increase enhances the reproductive activity of the parasites and their expansion to the hosts, white a rapid decrease inhibits their reproduction and possibly increases also the mortality of adult individuals.