Przedstawiono przetwórstwo warzyw w Polsce i wybranych krajach UE. Omówiono wielkość interwencji na rynkach rolnych w UE, w tym interwencje na rynku owoców i warzyw oraz pomoc finansową w ramach dostaw pomidorów do przetwórstwa. Przedstawiono sytuację ekonomiczno-finansową przedsiębiorstw sektora owocowo-warzywnego w Polsce.
The paper aims to analyze the processing of vegetables in Poland and in selected countries of the European Union in the period 2002-2008. It shows that 20-30% of total vegetable production is processed in Europe with some differentiation concerning countries and vegetable species. In the EU the biggest import ance for the processing industry have products such: processed tomato (30%), canned vegetables (25%) and frozen vegetables (15%). Taking into account last decade the production of processed vegetables in Poland doubled and reached 1 mln tones in 2008. The biggest share owned frozen vegetables (53%), canned vegetables (15%) and ketchups with other kinds of tomato souses (11%). As a result the situation of companies processing vegetables was good. These companies reported positive profitability, although they indebtedness increased. In the analyzed period also investments of these companies increased, and were on the third place in food processing sector. The vegetable processing sector in Poland is developing taking into account the economic situation with positive relation of employment, assets and profits and revenues.