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2007 | 3 |

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The development potential of rural communities of Slovakia


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This research discusses processes in Slovakia, known as endogenous development, that have been related to general process of political and economical transformation in Slovakia since 1990s. The term endogenous development defines the growth of communities from inside, which is provided by local human, productive and natural resources and external support. The aim of this sociological research is to discuss development initiatives in selected rural communities of Veľká Ves, Málinec and Hradište. The research had been carried out in the period between 2004 and 2007. Local initiatives in Slovakia are, in generally, performed by self-government bodies, civic initiative and local businesses. These subjects act either independently or in partial cooperation. Since 2000s, authorities and institutions, that are in charge of subsidies, grants and Euro-funds on behalf of communities, highlight the need for co-operation among all three subjects. Examples of these coordinative actions involving self-government, population and private sector already exist, although the self-government bodies – above all mayors – have been principal and, in most cases, the only initiators of these processes. This fact was acknowledged by interviewed mayors from the observed municipalities. From them, some important empirical information, related to the endogenous development of municipalities, were obtained. The ethnological research dealing with local initiatives and local development had already been carried out (Danglová et al. 2005). On one hand, this research analyses local initiatives inside communities, and, on the other hand, it traces regional context of local development activities. The relation between communities and region has been defined by comparing basic attributes of their development.

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Opis fizyczny



  • Ustav etnologie SAV Bratislava, Slovensko


  • Audit VR Novohrad (VR Novohrad Audit). Hlavný riešiteľ M. Pavlovkinová. Rimavská Sobota: Občianske Združenie Konzultačný a rozvojový klub (Citizens’ Association Consult and Development Club) 2006. 18 s.
  • Danglová, O. a kol. 2005: Vidiek v procese transformácie (Transformation Processes in Countryside) Bratislava: Ústav etnológie SAV. 154 s.
  • Falťanová, Ľ. 2004: Rozvojové aktivity obyvateľov vidieka (Development Activities of Countryside Population) Communities Málinec, Hradište, Veľká Ves, Uhorské, Breznička, okres Poltár. Text Archives ÚEt SAV, i. č. 1443, 19 s.
  • Gajdoš, P. 2005: Teoretický a metodologický rámec klasifikácie a typológie regiónov Slovenska v kontexte teritoriálnych disparít (Methodic Classification and Typology of Regions as seen from the Teritorial Disparity View Point) In: V. Ira, J. Pašiak, Ľ. Falťan, P. Gajdoš (eds). Podoby regionálnych odlišností na Slovensku (Regional Diversity Shapes in Slovakia) Examples from selected districts. Bratislava: Sociologický ústav SAV. s. 25-46.
  • Národný strategický plán rozvoja vidieka pre obdobie 2007 – 2013. Slovenská republika.
  • (National Strategy for Rural Development in Slovakia in 2007-2013).
  • Občianske Združenie Vidiecky Parlament (Citizen´S Association The Rural Parliament) 2006: Prehľad poskytnutých grantov z eurofondov (Summary of Euro-funds granted) In: Ľ. Falťan, J. Štrbavá, J. (eds.). Regionálna diferenciácia, regionálny rozvoj v Slovenskej republike v kontexte integračných dosahov. Regionálna diferenciácia Slovenska v podkladových štúdiách. (Regional Differentiation, Regional Development in Slovak Republic in Regard to Integration Processes. Regional Differentiation of Slovakia according to Basic Studies). Bratislava: Sociologický ústav SAV, CD, s.143-371.


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