Opisano nowe stanowisko zadychry pospolitej Branchipus schaefferi, rzadkiego gatunku skorupiaka należącego do gromady skrzelonogów Branchiopoda. Zadychrę znaleziono 12 czerwca 2011 roku w dwóch kałużach, położonych ok. 70 m od koryta rzeki Raby, w miejscowości Gdów (49°53,703'N, 20°11,698'E). W wypełnionych wodą koleinach na drodze gruntowej nie występowały rośliny wodne, nie było też drapieżnych bezkręgowców (poza nielicznymi formami imagi-nalnymi chrząszczy). Obserwowano natomiast liczne larwy komarów i małżoraczki. Zadychra zajmowała głównie głębsze części kałuż. Na opisywanym stanowisku, poza zadychrą, 8 sierpnia 2012 roku zanotowano również obecność wszystkich stadiów rozwojowych (tj. jaj, larw, osobników młodocianych oraz 4 osobników dorosłych) kumaka górskiego Bombina variegata - gatunku, który również preferuje tego rodzaju siedliska.
This paper describes a new locality of fairy shrimp Branchipus schaefferi, a rare and protected species of crustaceans which belongs to the Branchiopoda class. It was found in the Raba River valley, in Gdów (coordinates: 49°53.703'N, 20°11.698'E). Fairy shrimps have been found in two periodic water bodies (puddles) located approx. 70 m from the riverbed. They were observed in this location for the first time on June the 12th, 2011. The water bodies were formed in water-filled ruts made by wheeled vehicles (especially off-road cars, motocross bikes and bikes). No aquatic plants were found and there were practically no predatory invertebrates (except for a few imagines of water beetles). There were, however, numerous mosquito larvae and ostracods. Fairy shrimps occurred mainly in the deeper parts of the water bodies (i.e. above 3 cm deep; however, they were found most often in the parts of the puddles deeper than 5 cm). Besides fairy shrimps, yellow-bellied toads Bombina variegata were also observed (on August the 8th, 2012, all stages of Bombina variegata were present - i.e. eggs, larvae, juveniles and 4 adults). Large branchiopods are endangered in many countries of Europe. It is important to take urgent measures to protect these crustaceans and their habitats.