In the city of Częstochowa a total of 122 valuable trees of 25 species from 12 families were inventoried. The most numerous group comprises trees with circumferences of natural monuments (55), followed by already registered natural monuments (25), trees with circumferences comparable to those of natural monuments and impressive trees (18 specimens each) and the category of “other trees” (6). The status of natural monuments presently found in the city of Częstochowa was confirmed. Described trees are typically native deciduous species, of which the most numerous are Acer platanoides (18 trees) and Tilia cordata (16 trees). Approximately 60% of them have circumferences from 201 to 300 cm. The health condition of surveyed trees is usually very good (84%). A total of 45 trees were selected with circumferences of natural monuments and characterised by a very good health condition, which may be proposed as worthy of protection as natural monuments.