Celem badań było określenie potencjalnych kierunków rozwoju oferty na rynku czekolady i wyrobów czekoladowych. Badanie zrealizowano w 2014 roku. Przeprowadzono sześć indywidualnych wywiadów pogłębionych z belgijskimi i polskimi ekspertami reprezentującymi analizowany sektor. Stwierdzono, iż głównym źródłem inspiracji dla innowacji produktowych na badanym rynku są klienci oraz wewnętrzne struktury przedsiębiorstw i firmy współpracujące. Spośród trzech kluczowych trendów rozwoju oferty rynku żywności (zdrowie, wygoda, przyjemność) za najważniejszy na rynku czekolady i wyrobów czekoladowych eksperci belgijscy uznali przyjemność, podczas gdy przedstawiciele polskich przedsiębiorstw wyżej ocenili znaczenie trendu zdrowie. Zdaniem ekspertów szanse na sukces rynkowy mają wyroby czekoladowe łączące termoodporność z pożądanymi właściwościami teksturalnymi, produkty integrujące korzystny wpływ na zdrowie z atrakcyjnością sensoryczną, a także artykuły o dużym stopniu personalizacji.
The market of chocolate and chocolate products is a buyer’s market. The consequence of a buyer’s market is the growing competition and the need for innovation, which is an increasingly important competitive factor. Therefore, the primary objective of modern companies should be to identify the consumers’ needs and to develop and launch new or modified products that not only meet the expectations of buyers, but also overtake their thinking about the new offer. The aim of this study was to identify potential directions of the offer development in chocolate and chocolate products market. In order to attain the purpose of the research, six individual in-depth interviews were conducted. The respondents were the experts from the sector of chocolate and chocolate products, employed in Polish and Belgian companies, involved in the design and/or commercialization of innovative products. Scenarios of all the interviews took into account three fundamental issues: the source of inspiration for innovative ideas, trends in the market of chocolate and chocolate products and the main directions of the product in the analyzed market segment. In case of the question concerning the directions of the product development a categorized answer was applied, using a scale from 1 (unimportant direction) to 5 (very important direction). The interviews were conducted in 2014. The research showed, that the main sources of inspiration for product innovation in the market of chocolate and chocolate products were the customers, the internal structures of enterprises and cooperating companies. Polish experts emphasized the importance of competitors whereas the Belgian ones – the meaning of research institutions and scientific literature. Among the three key development trends in food market (health, convenience and pleasure) as the most important in the market of chocolate and chocolate products the Belgian experts indicated pleasure (increasing the visual appeal of the product, manufacturing products with unique flavor and products inspired by ethnic influences), while the representatives of Polish enterprises slightly higher scored the importance of health factors (lowering the fat and sugar content, enrichment with minerals and vitamins, manufacturing functional products). According to experts, products with highest chance of market success are the ones combining heat resistance of chocolate with the desired textural properties, integrating a positive impact on health with sensory attractiveness, as well as products with a high degree of personalization.