Karpackie rzeki i potoki mają na ogół dobrze rozwiniętą zabudowę biologiczną, która w środowisku przyrodniczym ma duże znaczenie ze względu na ochronę brzegów przed niszczącym działaniem przepływów wielkich wód korytowych i eutrofizacją wód powierzchniowych. Ponadto zwiększa bioróżnorodność, urozmaica krajobraz, stanowi korytarze ekologiczne umożliwiające migracje zwierząt i ma znaczenie gospodarcze, gdyż dostarcza surowca drzewnego i paszy dla zwierząt.
The biological construction of mountain rivers and streams in polish Carpatian region is very important because protects thi river Banks against catastrophic flows inudations, increases biodiversity, enables animal migration, raises of landscape esthetic and gives some economic advantages. In the biological construction of the mountain rivers and streams in Carpathian regions we can distinquish two characteristic vegetation belts and namely: the belt of river bed vegetations and the bank river belts vegetation. The first plant belt there is in river bed on the river rubbles deposited in river bed. The second there are on the river banks. The river bed plant belts creaters grasses and herbaceaus plants and the river plant belts creaters trees and shrubs. Stability of the first plants bell is not satisfactory. The inudation water flows can destroy it as in 1997 year during the inudation More stabilities are river banks plant belts, which protect the banks destroy if they are a good shaped. More over the biological construction is very important as a ecological coridors for a wild animals migration, for biodiversity and also from the view point of landscape. There are destroying of biological construction by grazing or cutting of trees is unacceptable. More details there are in the paper.