Hypodermosis is responsible for significant economic losses and remains a current problem in animal husbandry. This study determined the extent of Hypoderma spp. invasion in north-eastern Poland in dairy herds. The extent of the invasion, determined on the basis of positive results of an ELISA assay (Bovine Hypodermosis Milk Screening of Institut Pourquier), varied in herds. Statistical analysis performed on the results of milk productivity and content of basic components revealed a decrease in the milk yield and changes in milk protein in animals revealing positive, doubtful and negative results. Statistically significant differences were absent as regards the content of milk fat or milk total solids. The milk yield and the content of particular milk components were determined using the AT4 method, as part of a control program carried out by the Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Dairy Farmers (PFHBiPM).