Opisano nowe zagrożenia mikrobiologiczne w żywności. W 2011 roku w Niemczech wyizolowano werotoksyczny szczep Escherichia coli O104:H4 pochodzący z partii kiełków kozieradki, sprowadzonej z Egiptu. Szczep ten charakteryzował się unikalnymi cechami: obecnością tylko werotoksyny vtx2 (wariant vtx2a), obecnością genów aatA, aggR, aap, aggA, aggC oraz opornością na większość antybiotyków. Innym, niespotykanym do niedawna w Polsce patogenem jest Yersinia enterocolitica o serotypie O8 biotyp 1B. Ten bio-serotyp należy do najbardziej chorobotwórczych dla ludzi. Najczęściej zatrucia pokarmowe związane z Yersinia związane są ze spożyciem wieprzowiny. Omówiono również problem występowania neurotoksyn botulinowych w żywności. Nowym zagrożeniem żywności mogą być bakterie wytwarzające beta-laktamazy o rozszerzonym spektrum substratowym (Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases - ESBL). Zjawisko to odnosi się do wszystkich gatunków pałeczek z rodziny Enterobacteriaceae. Wśród izolowanych z żywności drobnoustrojów coraz większą rolę w zwiększaniu się oporności na antybiotyki przypisuje się metycylinoopornym szczepom Staphylococcus aureus (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus- MRSA). Występowanie zatruć pokarmowych u ludzi może być związane również z obecnością wirusów w żywności i wodzie. Nośnikiem wirusów mogą być urządzenia i linie technologiczne, opakowania, a także człowiek. Najwięcej zachorowań po spożyciu żywności wywołane było norowirusami, rotawirusami, wirusem hepatitis typu A i wirusem hepatitis typu E.
This paper describes the new microbiological hazards in food. For protecting human health, nowadays food safety authorities face with many challenges, that years ago were largely unheard. In 2011 verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli O104:H4 has been isolated in Germany. Strain came from fenugreek sprouts originated from Egypt. It was characterized by unique features such as presence of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli genes (aatA, aggR, aap, aggA, aggC) and resistance to most antibiotics. In Poland only three cases of disease caused by O104:H4 strain have been reported. Another emergence pathogen in Poland is Yersinia enterocolitica O8, biotype 1B. It is the most pathogenic bioserotype recently isolated in the USA only. Food-borne is commonly associated with raw or undercooked pork. The source of Yersinia spp. may be also milk and water. The presence of botulinum neurotoxins in food is not new, but still an important issue because of their high toxicity to human. Botulinum neurotoxins are high-molecular thermolabile proteins produced by Clostridium botulinum and some strains of Clostridium butyricum and Clostridium baratii. Based on their antigenic properties, botulin neurotoxins are divided into seven types A-G, however only types A, B, E and F are toxic to humans and some animals. Increasing risk associated with food results from antimicrobial resistance eg. extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) producing bacteria, particularly Enterobacteriaceae. Until recently strains ESBL+ were isolated in hospitals, however during last years they have been isolated from healthy humans, animals and food of animal origin. Increasingly common microbiological hazard in food is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Although prevalence of this pathogen in food is not high, the thread comes from difficulties of treating of infections caused by MRSA. The occurrence of food-borne in humans may also be associated with presence of viruses in food and water. The carrier of viruses may be equipment in food plant, production line, packaging and man. Most food-borne are caused by noroviruses, rotaviruses, hepatitis A virus and hepatitis E virus. An increased number of food-borne viral outbreaks are recorded in several countries. Reasons for this include the improved diagnostic methods that have enhanced detection of some virus groups, and the increased marketing of fresh and frozen foods that has led to a worldwide availability of high risk food. Viruses may contaminate food either through contamination at source, principally through sewage pollution of the environment, or in association with food processing through inadequate hygiene practices of operatives or systems. Consequently, many different food products such as vegetables, shellfish and a great variety of ready-to-eat foods have been implicated in food-borne viral infections.