INTRODUCTION: Low frequency ultrasonic vocalizations, commonly referred as 22‑kHz, occur in different situations including both aversive as well as positive emotional states in rats. Our previous research suggests that following ejaculation, long, lasting low frequency vocalizations reflect a positive emotional state – relaxation after high arousal state. It has been found that there is another type of 22-kHz vocalizations, which occurs during sexual interactions – at the time of firstseparated‑noncontact test. AIM(S): The aim of our study was to investigate the spectral analysis of low frequency ultrasonic vocalizations when male is prevented from a direct contact with estrous female and compare such calls to postejaculatory vocalizations. METHOD(S): The subjects were Long–Evans males (N=9) and female (N=9) rats 4.5 months old at the start of the experiment. The clear Plexiglas test chamber (50×25×30 cm) was used for copulatory and barrier noncontact (NC) tests. For NC tests, the chamber was bisected. Behaviors were recorded using Noldus Ethovision system simultaneously, on the same computer, with ultrasounds recording using Metris Sonotract system and analyzed manually. RESULTS: We found that about half of males prevented from a direct contact with an estrous female vocalized at frequency below 30-kHz. These vocalizations usually initiated with short signal at higher 45-kHz frequency and then transited to lower, below 30-kHz frequency. Usually these vocalizations coexist with sniffing of a hole or exploration activities – rearing or sniffing cage. The high activity state observed in separated males during low frequency vocalization is in contrast to male immobility observed during postejaculatory period when male emit extremely flat 22-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations. CONCLUSIONS: A pattern of low frequency vocalizations in rats during frustration differs significantly from that observed during relaxation state after ejaculation and correlates to the different type of behavioral activity. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: This work was supported by the Medical University of Warsaw (grant 1MA/N/170 and mini Grant for Wiktor Bogacki-Rychlik.