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Sosna limba (Pinus cembra L.) z czterech stanowisk tatrzańskich w doświadczeniu proweniencyjnym

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Stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) from four Tatra locations in provenance experiment

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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad cechami biometrycznymi i fitochemicznymi trzyletnich siewek limby z nasion zebranych w 1999 roku, z czterech stanowisk tatrzańskich, z 45 drzew matecznych (rodów). W identycznych warunkach edaficznych, siewki wykazywały duże zróżnicowanie pod względem badanych cech, zarówno na poziomie rodów, jak też stanowisk. Przedstawiono również założenia metodyczne doświadczenia z 3780 sadzonkami limby w masywie Śnieżnika.
Presented researches with seedlings of stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) from Tatra Mts. are first so great experiment with this species in Poland. 1659 cones with 63 523 seeds were collected from the 45 mother trees located on four Tatra sites. From that number of seeds 22 464 seedlings were cultivated in a nursery. The results of biometrical measurements and chemical analysis of three years old stone pine seedlings, growing in the same conditions of nursery, showed great differentiation on the family level and on sites of mother trees also. Great differences in concentrations of macro- and microelements in needles of investigated seedlings are important for their future development in oligotrophic conditions of soil located in upper mountain zone in Sudeten. In the experimental plot established near Śnieżnik (Sudeten) were planted 3780 seedlings from 42 families in three repetitions on 126 unit areas altogether (42x3x30 = 3780). Inside of each family seedlings were planted separately from the cones with right and left symmetry. With the rest of stone pine seedlings there is planed to establish of a maintenance cultivation in next year. It will be complex investigations about differentiation of collected stone pine seedlings, and results of this investigations can help to plant this species in upper mountain zone and on the area near the timberline, for better stabilization of spruce regeneration. It will be particularly important in west part of Carpathians and in Sudeten. Obtained results can be valuable not only from silviculture point of view, but also are interesting source of knowledge about differentiation of autecological features of stone pine from Tatra Mts.

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Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa w Warszawie, Warszawa
  • Zakład Gospodarki Leśnej Regionów Górskich w Krakowie, Kraków
  • Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa w Warszawie, Warszawa
  • Zakład Gospodarki Leśnej Regionów Górskich w Krakowie, Kraków
  • Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa w Warszawie, Warszawa
  • Zakład Gospodarki Leśnej Regionów Górskich w Krakowie, Kraków


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