On the basis of literature, the paper describes changes observed in Polish agriculture in 2004 and the following years, against the background of the situation in previous years. On the grounds of the above, eight theses have been formulated: on doubling agricultural income, on years needed for reestablishing economical balance disturbed by change of conditions, on increase of property size and modernization on farms of 16 and more ESU, on low profitability of equity capital in farms basing on high labour input and high capital resources, on growing range of agricultural producers who combine farm income with other incomes, on permanent deficit of part of farms of at least 100 hectares of cropland – in effect of legal regulations, incorrect definition of the areas with disadvantageous farming conditions and highly competitive potential of farms in Poland in comparison to the selected EU countries. The above theses require to be confirmed or rejected on the basis of analyses carried out in a long term (i.e. in the years 2005-2007), after Poland’s accession to European Union.