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Spostrzeżenia nad skutecznością jodku ditiazaminy w leczeniu robaczyc przewodu pokarmowego

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Observations on the efficacy of iodide of dithiazanine in the treatment of helminthiasis on the digestive tract
Nabljudenija nad ehffektivnost'ju ditiazaninovogo ioda v lechenii gel'mintozov pishhevaritel'nogo trakta

Języki publikacji



In the Parasitologie Ambulatory of the Clinical Hospital, Medical School, Lodz and in the Department of Parasitic Diseases, First Clinic of Internal Diseases, Medical School, Lodz, the authors applied iodide of dithiazanine in 190 instances (115 adult patients and 75 children aged 6-10 years) infestated with Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides and Enterobius vermicularis. To children this preparation has been administered in a quantity of 20 mg (kg. of weight) 24 hours, provided that the daily dose did not exceed 600 mg. Adult persons received iodide of dithiazanine 3 times daily in doses 200 mg, 2-2½ hours after meal. Exception was made in case of patients infestated with E. vermicularis which received iodide of dithiazanine 3 times daily in doses of 100 mg. During the curative period all the patients were advised to have a diet poor in cellulose. 1. Out of 124 patients infesteted with T. trichiura, after three cures with iodide of dithiazanine the authors stated complete recovery in 123 cases (98,8 per cent). 2. In 8 patients suffering from ascariasis complete recovery has been stated after one cure. 3. In 4 patients infestated with T. Trichura and A. lumbricoides complete recovery has been stated after two cures. 4. In 32 instances of oxyuriasis 30 persons have been cured (93,6 per cent) after three courses of treatment. 5. Complete recovery has been also stated after three courses of treatment with iodice of dithiazanine in 25 persons infestated with T. trichinra and E. vermicularis. On base of own observations the author came to the conviction that iodide of dithiazanine is an efficient preparation, worthy to be recommended in treatment of infestations with some parasite worms of the digestive tract, espccially T. trichiura. The curative value of iodide of dithiazanine is risen if it is applied 2 - 2½ hours after a meal and if the diet during the treatment is poor in cellulose.

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Opis fizyczny



  • I Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych, Akademia Medyczna, Łódź
  • I Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych, Akademia Medyczna, Łódź


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