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The taxonomy of selected genera of the subfamily Limoniinae (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Baltic Amber (Eocene), with notes on their phylogeny


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A taxonomic review of Limoniinae (Diptera, Limoniidae) known from Eocene Baltic amber with particular references to the following genera is presented: Dicranoptycha Osten Sacken, 1860, Limonia Meigen, 1803, Lipsothrix Loew, 1873, Rhipidia Meigen, 1818, Thaumastoptera Mik, 1866, Toxorhina Loew, 1850, Trentepohlia Bigot, 1854. A new genus, Antohelia gen. nov., and two new species, Antohelia stanislawi sp. nov., Trentepohlia (Trentepohlia) bajdai sp. nov. are described. The phylogenetic relationships of the Limoniinae known from Eocene Baltic are discussed based on the results of a newly performed cladistic analysis. The illustrated key for the genera of subfamily Limoniinae recorded from the Baltic amber inclusions is provided.

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  • Department of Environmental Biology, University of Rzeszow, 4 Zelwerowicza Street, 35-601 Rzeszow, Poland


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