The in vitro studies have shown a high sensitivity of T. vaginatis strains to the spermicidal drug Afro of Polish production. Among 36 strains under examination there were individual differences in the sensitivity to the drug. Moreover, the in vivo experiments performed in guinea pigs disclosed that Afro when given intravaginally prevented the incidence of trichomonal invasion in these animals. In the Ist group of guinea pigs receiving the drug 3 hours before the infection none of the 5 animals developed the symptoms of trichomonadosis. In the IId group of 5 animals that were administered Afro 6 hours before the infection the prophylactic effect was found in 4 cases, and in the IIId group where the drug was given 12 hours prior to infection the trichomonadosis symptoms did occur in 2 out of 5 guinea pigs. The in vivo experiments made on guinea pigs require still further confirmation on larger material.