Dojrzewanie sera to powolny, a w konsekwencji kosztowny proces. Zatem korzyści ekonomiczne i gospodarcze wynikające z przyspieszenia procesu dojrzewania sera są bardzo istotne. W celu przyspieszenia dojrzewania sera wykorzystywane są enzymy takie jak proteinazy, peptydazy i lipazy, jednak ich dodatek może prowadzić do powstawania niekontrolowanych reakcji biochemicznych, czego następstwem może być uzyskanie nowych cech sensorycznych sera. Od wielu lat podejmowano próby wykorzystania różnych technik do przyspieszenia dojrzewania serów. Dodatek do mleka serowarskiego enzymów mikrokapsułkowanych lub dodatek kultur bakteryjnych kwasu mlekowego o obniżonej zdolności fermentacyjnej metodami termicznymi albo modyfi kowanych genetycznie starterów wydaje się być dobrym rozwiązaniem. W pracy opisano metody dotyczące przyspieszania dojrzewania serów, do których należą: zastosowanie podwyższonej temperatury dojrzewania, stosowanie wysokich ciśnień, dodatek preparatów enzymatycznych, zastosowanie dodatkowej populacji wyselekcjonowanych drobnoustrojów, dodatek genetycznie modyfi kowanych starterów, dodatek, oprócz typowego startera, osłabionych kultur bakterii kwasu mlekowego. Scharakteryzowano wpływ wybranych metod przyspieszania dojrzewania serów na cechy smakowo-zapachowe, teksturalne i skrócenie czasu dojrzewania różnych gatunków sera.
Cheese ripening has been defi ned as the controlled decomposition of a rennet coagulum of milk constituents. The ripening process of cheese is very complex and involves microbiological and biochemical changes to the curd resulting in the fl avour and texture characteristic of the particular variety. Maturation time of cheeses are very different and ripened periods ranging from about one weeks to two or more years, depending on the type of cheese. In the case of soft cheese ripening lasts from several days to two months, of hard and semi-hard cheeses from 2 to 6 months, and very hard cheeses from 1 to more than 2 years. The ripening of cheese is a slow, and consequently an expensive process. Thus, economic benefi ts of accelerating the process of cheese ripening are very important. Lactic acid bacteria play a key role during ripening and can therefore be used as accelerating agents. In order to accelerate the ripening of cheese are used enzymes such as proteases, peptidases and lipases, but, their additive can lead to uncontrolled biochemical reactions which may result in values to achieve a completely new fl avour of cheese. For many years, new approaches have been attempted to accelerate the cheese ripening. The addition to milk of encapsulated enzymes or lactic acid bacteria with thermal reduced ability to fermentation or genetically modifi ed starters it seems to be a good solution. In this paper discusses methods of accelerated cheese ripening which include: the use of elevated ripening temperature, high-pressure processing, addition of enzymes, the use of selected increased microbial populations adjuncts, addition of genetically modifi ed starters, addition of attenuated lactic acid bacteria cultures besides typical starter. Characterized the impact of selected methods accelerating cheese ripening on the characteristics of fl avour, textural and shorten the maturation of different types of cheese. Among the many methods of accelerating cheese ripening, it seems that the beside application of ready to use enzymes the increasing importance will had receive appropriate additional starters of LAB with reduced ability to fermentation by different methods, while maintaining a controlled proteolytic activity. These methods can both accelerate the maturation of the cheese and create new original fl avors of cheese.