Kleshhi Tarsonemus fusarii Cooreman i Tarsonemus parafusarii Kalishewski (Acari: Tarsonemidae) v Pol'she i nekotorye ehkologicheskie sredenija
Tarsonemus fusarii Cooreman i Tarsonemus parafusarii Kaliszewski (Acari: Tarsonemidae) in Poland
Języki publikacji
Авторы рассматривают морфологию и проводят биоценотический анализ двух тесно родственных, по всей вероятности соперничающих видов Tarsonemidae: Tarsonemus fusarii и Tarsonemus parafusarii.
The authors present morphology and perform the biocenotic analysis of two closely related, most probably competing species of Tarsonemidae: Tarsonemus fusarii and Tarsonemus parafusarii.
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15. Suski Z. W.: Setation of legs I, II and III in some species of the mite family Tarsonemidae (Acarina: Heterostigmata). Rocz. Nauk Rol. 93-A-4, 757-787, 1968.
16. Suski Z. W.: Tarsonemid mites on apple trees in Poland X. Laboratory studies on the biology of certain mites species of the family Tarsonemidae (Acarina: Heterostigmata). Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk Rol. 129, 139-157, 1972(a).
17. Suski Z. W.: Tarsonemid mites on apple trees in Poland XI. Field observations on the distribution and significance in Tarsonemidae (Acarina: Heterostigmata) in apple orchards. Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk Rol. 129, 139-157, 1972(b).