Application of CFD FLUENT model to determine the hydraulic losses in the circular pipe with fiber optic cables
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Application of CFD Fluent model to determine the hydraulic losses in the circular pipe with fi ber optic cables. The paper presents verifi cation results of the empirical formulas for calculating the hydraulic losses in the circular pipes to the calculation losses in circular pipe with optical fi bers in the shell extensions and circular pipe with fi ber optic cable. Verifi cation was made using the CFD numerical model. The use of empirical formulas for determining the hydraulic losses in the circular pipe with optical fi bers in the shell extensions and circular pipe with fi ber optic cable having a change of hydraulic radius underestimates the size of losses.One source of differences is to change the structure of the velocity distribution in the fl ow area for analyzed case in relation to the circular pipe. Conducted analysis of CFD models should be verifi ed on physical models.
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