The paper presents assessment of the value of selected beech and fir stands by the classic method and using the value tariff in two ways. The aim of the work was to verify the suitability of the local tariff method based on the SILP forest database for the valuation of timber resources in forests. The measurements were carried out in the Beskidy Mountains (southern Poland). The reference sales value of the beech and fir stands with the growing stock from 61 to 643 m³/ha ranged from 6,307 to 102,438 PLN/ha. The average value of stands is about 45,000 PLN/ha and the standard deviation around 20,000 PLN/ha, with an average volume of 340 m³/ha and standard deviation of 140 m³/ha. The monetary value of the uneven−aged fir and beech stands calculated by the mean of the local tariff of value (method 1) was different from the values calculated either basing on the traditional method or on the method 2. However, the difference was on average 11% when it came to the previous, and about 2.2% when for the latter method. Almost 50% of the stands were valuated using the second method with an error of ±2.5%, the maximum extreme negative error being –14% and the maximum extreme positive error being +11%. As soon as the calculation process were automatised, the present method to obtain the local monetary value tariff of forest resources could become a practical tool in the process of forest resources valuation for the needs of the State Forests and as such it could replace the so−far used stand value tables.