Opracowanie zawiera analizę zmian opadów atmosferycznych w pięćdziesięcioleciu 1951- 2000 w dorzeczu Wisłoka. Porównano średnie 10-letnie, 30-letnie i 50-letnie roczne oraz sezonowe sumy opadów. W oparciu o wielkość dodatnich i ujemnych odchyleń od średniej sumy wieloletniej wyznaczono normalne i anomalne wartości opadów dla roku, czterech głównych pór roku oraz miesięcy.
Taking into account monthly, seasonal and annual precipitation totals from 9 raingauges located in Wisłok catchment area, an attempt was taken to set extreme events, determined by anomalous rainfalls during 50 years period 1951- 2000 (Fig 1). The attention was paid to spatial and time differentiation, stating significant differences between averages from the following 10-years, 30-years and 50-years periods (Table 1). The variety of precipitation changes is underlined by their extreme values and dispersion measures (Table 2). They confirm the highest stability of pluvial conditions in winter months and the directions in spatial layout testify to the increase of precipitation dispersion towards higher altitudes. The picture of precipitation variability are also anomalies, which are underlined by periods of rainfalls within the bounds of norm, their surplus (positive anomaly) and shortage (negative anomaly). In the investigated period or 50 years, irrespective of time scale, over 50% of precipitation was contained within the bounds of norm (Table 3, 4). In the group of anomalous rainfalls periods with negative anomalies prevailed (Fig. 1, 2, 3). The probability of occurring of months with anomalous low precipitation was about 1,5 times larger than of positive anomaly. Anomalous low precipitation remained also in longer sequences, in the case of monthly totals even to 6 months.