Współczesne migracje zarobkowe mieszkańców obszarów wiejskich wpływają trwale na zmiany w strukturze demografi cznej i ekonomiczno-produkcyjnej polskiej wsi. W artykule zaprezentowano wpływ migracji na zjawiska demografi czne i gospodarcze, odniesiono się również do prognoz i perspektyw w zakresie przepływu ludności w skali globalnej. Część empiryczna prezentuje wyniki badań ankietowych zrealizowanych na obszarze wybranych powiatów Południowo-Wschodniej Polski, dotyczących preferencji migracyjnych absolwentów szkół o profi lu rolniczym.
The paper presents current tendencies of labour-related migration. Mass movement of people in result of globalization may contribute to magnifying ethnic and cultural differences and therefore create serious challenge for the receiving country structures, but it may be also a source of labour force, a factor dynamizing economic and social life. The Author indicates important problems of local labour markets, where owing to difference of potentials – a constant fl ow of people and capital takes place. Disadvantageous demographic tendencies in Europe may be balanced by the infl ux of immigrants from Asia or Africa, whereas weakening of internal labour demand in Poland, combined with income disparity provides, especially for young people, a push-out factor, for external emigration. The article presents also results of investigations on potential migration of rural youths from the Malopolska and Subcarpatian Regions. Half of the respondents declare willingness to leave their places of residence after they complete school education and 55% of this number consider going abroad. Only every 4th surveyed person defi nitely rejects the idea of abandoning their native location. The assessment of the expense priorities of the surveyed persons indicates young peoples’ a willingness to strike out on their own. An important element for them is also education and health protection, whereas they postpone decisions about potential undertaking economic activity or capital investments.