The basis for statistical calculation were the results of a field experimental conducted in 2008–2009. The aim of the study was to compare the economic effect of weed control methods: mechanical and joint use of mechanical and chemical weeding. The following herbicide combinations were used: Command 480 SC at the dose of 0.2 dm3/ha; Command 480 SC at 0.2 dm3/ha + Afalon Dyspersyjny 450 SC at the dose 1.0 dm3/ha; Stomp 400 SC at the dose 3.5 dm3/ha; Stomp 400 SC used at the dose 3.5 dm3/ha + Afalon Dyspersyjny 450 SC at in dose 1.0 dcm3/ha. The obtained results showed that the values of potato tuber trade yield wer diversified and depended on the used weed control method. The best results were shown by joint use of mechanical weeding and chemical treatment with the herbicides Command 480 SC – 0.2 dm3/ha + Afalon Dyspersyjny 450 SC – 1.0 dm3/ha, and the financial result increased by 10 495.3 PLN/ha as compared to the control object.