Serum proteins of 7 males, 9 females and 50 offspring were separated using horizontal electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel (pH 8.6, tris borate buffer). The proteins were divided into 30 to 35 bands, classified among the following regions and sub-regions: prealbumins (Pa₁, Pa₂, Pa₃, Pa₄, Pa₅), albumins, postalbumins (Poa₁, Poa₂, Poa₃), pretransferrins (Ptf₁, Ptf₂, Ptf₃, Ptf₄), transferrins (tf) and posttransferrins (Potf₁, Potf₂, Potf₃). The Poa₁, Poa₂, Ptf₂, Ptf₃, Tf, Potf₂ and Potf₃ regions differend with regard to the number of bands and rate of migration.