Podjęto próbę wyjaśnienia sytuacji ekonomicznej gospodarstw utworzonych na bazie byłych PGR w kontekście uwarunkowań makroekonomicznych. Wskazano, że rozwój gospodarstw popegeerowskich jest determinowany przez charakter realizowanej strategii gospodarczej.
In this article there are presented consideration about economic position ex-state farms in macroeconomic context. The aim of the paper is attempt of answering the questions: how deep changing in economic situation of analysied farms was determinated by macroeconomic conditions? One can noticed that there is connexion between macroeconomics establishment in economic policy towards agriculture and economic results of ex-state farms. Worsening economic situation analysed units, especially in 1997-1999 was caused by restricive economic policy: lowering of budgetary supporting for agriculture, high level of bank rates.