There were tested and screened, in vitro, nine plant extracts manufactured by Hofigal S.A., against Fusarium oxysporum (strain Fo 18) isolated from blackcurrant plants (Ribes nigrum L.). The highest in vitro activity (efficacy 78.6%) was recorded for Allium sativum extract, followed by Satureja hortensis and Valeriana officinalis extracts (71.4% efficacy), at 20% concentration. A good inhibitory activity on mycelial growth has been observed for Mentha sp., Rosmarinus officinalis, Hyssopus officinalis and Artemisia dracunculus ‘Sativa’ (62.8%, 58.6%, 57.1% and, respectively, 50% efficacy). Achillea millefolium extract had no effect on radial growth of F. oxysporum isolate. This report is the first in Romania regarding the in vitro antifungal activity of some plant extracts on F. oxysporum in blackcurrant. These data are very useful for plant protection practice, particularly for medicinal plants, as blackcurrant, which demands for non pollutant and environmental friendly alternative methods to fungicides. Locally plant extracts could have important roles in sustainable based management strategies of Fusarium disease in blackcurrant.