It is suggested that glial activation play an important role in the pathogenesis of psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. Activated glial cells secrete various cytokines. Anti-infl ammatory effect of imipramine, moclobemide, fl uoxetine was investigated using 13–14 day primary rat mixed glial cultures prepared from cerebral hemispheres of one-day old newborn Wistar rats. LPSstimulated levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-10 were measured with ELISA kits in culture medium. Antidepressants were used at concentrations from 108 to 100 μM. mRNA for cytokines was evaluated by RT-QPCR. Moclobemide, fl uoxetine (108 to 10 μM) and imipramine (106 to 100 μM) reduced TNF-α release. IL-1β concentration was diminished by moclobemide, imipramine (106 to 100 μM) and fl uoxetine (10-6 to 10 μM) but level of IL-10 was not changed signifi cantly after drug administration. The levels of TNF-α or IL-1β mRNA were reduced by the studied drugs (10 μM), whereas IL-10 mRNA level was only attenuated. Our results support observation that antidepressants have anti-infl ammatory effects in CNS because they affected the balance between proand antiinfl ammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β/IL-10) in mixed glial culture. This work was supported by Grant N 401 130 31/2871 from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.