In 1980-1984 we analysed the reproduction indices in 160 mares of Wielkopolska Breed culled in the stud in Pępowo. The results were analysed statistically. The calculated indices were as follows: the time of reproduction performance of mares was 9.3 years /2-19/, pregnancy index - 77.9% including 72.3% deliveries and 5-6% abortions, the length of pregnancy - 325.87 days /280-357 days/, pregnancies giving stallions - 327.57 days, mares - 324,77 days /signifioant difference/. The length of pregnancy was affected by: offspring sex, the time of cowering, the number of pregnancies and a breeding horse. Thoroughbred stallions and one Angloarab caused longer pregnancies than those by half- bred stallions. Foaling took place from Sept. till May being intensified in Jan., Feb., March /51.88%/. The number of alive foals averaged 6.18. The effectiveness of having a female covered was affected by the month of covering, the age of a mare, a breeding horse and termination of previous pregnancy. An average interpregnancy period was 122,2 days /7-1168 days/.