Применен способ уменьшения колебаний груза на гибком подвесе при работе механизма поворота стрелового крана во время переходных процессов путем оптимизации режимов пуска и торможения приводного механизма по динамическому критерию, представляющего собой среднее зна чение динамической составляющей мощно сти привода за время движения.
The method of cargo oscillation reduction, during the lifting machines operation, has been considered in the article. The start-up mode of the crane swinging mechanism optimization has been carried out by means of variational calculation. The criterion which is the average value of the dynamic component of the drive power of the move. has been used. And this criterion has been subject to minimization. The torque moment of the driving mechanism, acting towards the crane swinging mechanism, has been selected as a control parameter.