The influence of light regime, explant position and orientation on direct embryo formation from leaf explants of two Phalaenopsis, P. amabilis and P. Nebula, were investigated to optimize the protocol for regenerating of this orchid. When explants were cultured in light, direct embryogenesis was retarded in both species. Embryos showed whitish to pale green in color and larger size than those cultured in darkness. Furthermore, light regime induced explant browning, embryo necrosis and eventually low plantlet conversion rate. Sixty days of culture in darkness is the most suitable duration for direct embryo induction. Explant orientation also significantly affected direct embryo formation, and explants placed adaxial-side-up on culture medium had higher embryogenic response than abaxial-side-up orientation. In both species, the cut end had highest embryogenic competence than other parts of the explant. Moreover, when the leaf explant was cut transversely into two segments, the leaf basal segment had higher embryogenic competence than the leaf tip segment.