Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2009–2011 w Ogrodzie Zakładu Dydaktyczno-Doświadczalnego Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie. Ich celem była ocena plonowania i wartości odżywczej korzeni spichrzowych wybranych odmian marchwi chronionych metodami niechemicznymi. Badaniami objęto uprawę sześciu odmian marchwi (Daucus carota L.). Drugim czynnikiem doświadczenia były niechemiczne metody ochrony roślin: uprawa współrzędna oraz ochrona biopreparatem Kostki Himal. Największy plon handlowy uzyskano uprawiając marchew odmiany ‘Kazan F₁’. Zastosowane metody ochrony roślin różnicowały istotnie zawartość i skład cukrów ogółem, redukujących i azotanów(V). Zanotowano także istotną interakcję badanych czynników na gromadzenie w części jadalnej marchwi badanych składników odżywczych.
A two-factorial field experiment was conducted in the years 2009–2011, in the Garden of the Research and Experimental Station of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The first experimental factor were six carot (Daucus carota L.) cultivars: ‘Purple Haze F₁’, ‘Florida F₁’, ‘Interceptor F₁’, ‘Kazan F₁’, ‘Joba’ and ‘Deep Purple F₁’. The second experimental factor were three methods of carrot biocontrol, compared in the following treatments: unprotected plants, the application of the biocontrol agent Cubs Himal containing paraffin-coated garlic pulp (10 g cubes), carrots intercropped with dill cv. ‘Ambrozja’ and carrots intercropped with onions cv. ‘Prade F₁’. The aim of an experiment was to determine the effect of cultivar and ecological methods of protection on the yield and chemical composition of storage roots carrot cultivars in the Warmia region (NE). The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, in three replications. The experimental plot had an area of 7.5 m². Seeds were sown in the middle of May in each year of the study. Seedlings of onion prepared each year in the greenhouse, as recommended cultivation practices for onion were applied. Dill and onion was sown in parallel with carrots on ridges. The use of Cubes Himal started after observing the first raid carrot fly (Psila rosae) and repeated four times at intervals of 10 days. The recommended cultivation practices for carrots were applied. Plants were harvested once, in mid October, and roots were sorted into fractions in accordance with the applicable standards and commercial requirements for carrots. Immediately after harvest, 15 roots were sampled from the marketable yield in each treatment, and were subjected to chemical analyses to determine the content of: dry matter, total segars, reducing sugars, L-ascorbic acid, organic acids and nitrates(V). The results were validated statistically byanalysis of variance. The significance of differences between means was evaluated with the use of Tukey’s test at α = 0.05. The biggest yield trade was characterized by a carrot cultivar ‘Kazan F₁’. The application of Cubes Himal had a beneficial influence on the total and marketable yield of carrot storage roots. Carrot-onion intercropping and carrotdill intercropping resulted in a significant marketable yield decrease. The interactions between the experimental factors had a significant effect on the content of organic elements in carrot roots. The content of total sugars in carrot roots unprotected plants was higher than other methods of carrot variant crop.