Advances in anthelmintic medication of the domestic animals. I. Horses and cattle
Progress v terapii gel'mintozov domashnikh zhivotnykh. Ch. I. Loshadi i skot
Języki publikacji
The Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux in Bucks (England) published in 1962 an excellent review of the literature up to Dec. 1960 under the title "Veterinary anthelmintic medication" (T. E. Gibson). Instead of a brief anount a rather long summary of this book is given with a special emphasis on the problems that are of particular importance for Poland and provided with the author's own comments.
Katedra Parazytologii i Chorób Inwazyjnych, Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza, Wrocław
1. Baker N. F., Allen P. H., Dougllas J. R.: Trial with a new organic phosphate as an anthelmintic in cattle. - Am. J. Vet. Res., 20: 278-280, 1959.
2. Banks A V., Miehell J. F.: A controlled trial of O, O-dimethyl- 2, 2, 2-trichloro-1-hydroxy methyl phosponate as an anthelmintic against Ostertagia ostertagi in calves. - Vet. Rec., 72: 135-136, 1960.
3. Downing W., Kingsburg P. A., Sloan J. E. N.: Critical tests with piperazine adipate in horses. - Vet. Rec., 67: 641-644, 1955.
4. Enigk E.: Nowe metody zwalczania chorób pasożytniczych bydła. - Wiad. Parazytol., 3, 5: 455-459, 1957.
5. Enigk K., Düwel D.: Die Behandlung der Fasciolose beim Rind mit „Hetol". - Dtsch. tierärztl. Wschr., 67: 535-539, 1960.
6. Galvin T. J., Bell R. R., Turk R. D.: The efficacy and Toxicity of certain organic phosphates and a carbamide as anthelmintics in ruminants. - Am. J. Vet. Res., 20: 784-786, 1959.
7. Gibson T. E., Critical tests of phenothiazine as an anthelmintic for horses. - Vet. Rec., 62: 341-343, 1950.
8. Gibson T. E.: A controlled test of tetrachlor-ethylene as an anthelmintic against Trichostrongyius axei in cattle. - Vet. Rec., 68: 317-318, 1956.
9. Gibson T. E.: Veterinary anthelmintic medication. A review of the literature up to Dec. 1960. - Commonwealth Agric. Bureaux, Bucks, England, 1962, str. 172.
10. Harrow W. T.: The toxicity of hexachloraethane. - Vet. Rec., 71: 111-112, 1959.
11. Herlich H., Johnson J. M.: Critical tests on the efficacy of Dow ET-57 as an anthelmintic in cattle. - J. Parasitol., 43, Suppl.: 14, 1957.
12. Herlich H., Porter D. A.: An anthelmintic for cattle and sheep. Critical tests of efficacy of Bayer 21/199. - Vet. Med., 53: 343-348, 360, 1958.
13. Jarrett W. F. H., McIntyre W. I. M., Urquhart G. M.: Husk in cattle. A review of a year's work. - Vet. Rec., 66: 665-676, 1954.
14. Kendall S. B., Parfitt J. W.: The chemotherapy of fascioliasis. - Brit. Vet. J., 118, 1, 1962.
15. Lämmler G.: Chemotherapeutische Untersuchungen mit Hetol, einem neuer. hochwirksamen Leberegelmittel. - Dtsch. tierärztl. Wschr., 67: 408-413, 1960.
16. O'Donoghue J. G.: Clinical trials with cyanacethydrazide for the treatment of lungworms in cattle and sheep. - Canad. J. Camp. Med., 22: 237-239, 1958.
17. Parker W. H.: Diethylcarbamazine in the treatment of lungworm infestation of calves due to Dictyocaulus viviparus. - J. Comp. Path., 67: 251-262, 1957.
18. Poynter D_: The efficiency of piperazine adipate administered in bran mash to horses . - Vet. Rec., 67: 625-626, 1955.
19. Poynter D.: The anthelmintic properties of hygromycin B in horses. - Vet. Rec., 70: 865-870, 1958.
20. Poynter D., Hughes D. L.: Phenothiazine and piperazine, an efficient anthelmintic mixture for horses. - Vet. Rec., 70: 1183-1188, 1958.
21. Riek R. F.: The use of phenothiazine against the nematode parasites of cattle with particular reference to the hockworm, Bunostomum phlebotomum. - Austr. Vet. J., 27: 197-207, 1951.
22. Riek R. F., Keith R. K.: Studies on anthelmintics for cattle, I-IV. - Austr. Vet. J., 33: 162-173, 1957; 34: 1-4, 93-103, 1958.
23. Roberts F . H. S.: Field trials on the evaluation of tetrachlorethylene as an anthelmintic for cattle. - Austr. Vet. J., 31: 165-169, 1955.
24. Roberts F. H. S., Keith R. K.: The efficiency of phenothiazine against the immature stages of the bovine stomach worm Haemonchus placei. - Austr. Vet. J., 35: 38-39, 1959.
25. Rosenberger G., Heeschen W.: Beitrag zur Behandlung des Lungenwurmbefalls der Rinder mit Cyanacethydracid. - Dtsch. tierärztl. Wschr., 66: 169-173, 1959.
26. Rossiter L. W.: A field campaign against worms in the Ermelo area. - J. S. Afr. Vet. Med. Ass., 24: 149-153, 1953.
27. Rubin R., Tillotson A. J.: Cyanacethydrazide as a chemotherapeutic agent in the control of experimental bovine verminous pneumonia. - Am. J. Vet. Res., 21: 1040, 1960.
28. Sloan J. E. N., Kingsbury P. A., Jolly D. W.: Preliminary trials with piperazine adipate as a veterinary anthelmintic. - J , Pharm., Land. 6: 718-724, 1954.
29. Smith H. M. S.: Toluene therapy for ascariasis and bat infestations in horses. - J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass., 127: 245-246, 1955.
30. Sprent J. F. A.: Critical anthelmintic tests in cattle. - Vet. J., 102: 83-87, 1946.
31. Swanson L. E., Porter D. A., Connelly J. W.: Efficacy of nonconditioned phenothiazine in removing worms from the alimentary canal of cattle. - J. Am. Vet. Met. Ass., 96: 704-707, 1940.
32. Świetlikowski M.: Badania nad stosowaniem preparatów zawierających cyanecethydrazyd do leczenia robaczyc płucnych przeżuwaczy domowych. - Wiad. Parazytol., 7, 2: 339-342, 1961.
33. Taylor E. L.: A note on phenothiazine poisoning with special reference to reports of its occurrence in horses. - Vet. Rec., 54: 95-97, 1942.
34. Todd A. C., Kelley G. W., Hansen M. F.: Critical tests with sodium fluoride as an anthelmintic for ascariasis in horses. - Am. J. Vet. Res., 11: 26-28, 1950.
35. Todd A. C., Brown R. G.: Clinical tests with toluene for ascarids and bots in horses. - Am. J. Vet. Res., 13: 198-200, 1952.
36. Walker D. F.: The modified Whitbock method of administering liquids to bovines. - Auburn Vet., 15: 133, 1959.
37. Walley J. K .: A new drug for the treatment of lungworms in domestic animals. - Vet. Rec., 69: 815-850, 1957.
38. Zaleski J., E. Żarnowski: Srodki lecznicze do zwalczania wewnętrznych chorób inwazyjnych zwierząt gospodarskich. - PWRiL, Warszawa 1952, str. 104.