The research aimed at analysis of the number of plants infected with fungi bringing about culm base disease as depending on the mode of tillage; and term of sowing. In conditions of ploughless and conventional tillage there were analysed three terms of winter wheat cultivars sowing: a) 13-16 September, b) 1-4 October, c) 15-18 October, Sown were the following winter wheat cultivars: Finezja, Rywalka, Kobiera, Satyna, Bogatka and Zawisza. Interactions among the number of plants infected with a complex of culm base diseases depending on the sowing terms, modes of tillage and research years were determined by means of log-linear analysis. One-year pause in growing of cereals brought about an increased intensity of culm base diseases in conditions of conventional tillage as compared to the poughless mode. At delayed term of sowing the infection of winter wheat with take-all diseases was less. In respect of the number of plants infected with fungi bringing about culm base diseases the reaction of the cultivars was differentiated. Symptoms of the complex of culm base diseases observed in the cultivars Finezja and Kobiera were much less numerous.