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Wpływ lasalocidu na przebieg kokcydiozy i efekty produkcyjne u jagniąt

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Effect of the ionophorus antibiotic Lasalocid on coccidiosis and productivity in lambs

Języki publikacji



Six species of Eimeria were found in sheep from the mountain region of Poland: E. parva, E. pallida, E. nina-kohl-yakimovi, E. faurei, E. intricata and E. arloingi. E. parva (36.1%), E. nina-kohl-yakimovi (33.5%) and E. Faurei (30.2%) were frequently found. Seasonal dynamie of coccidiosis in lambs nontreated and treated with Lasalocid (20 mg/kg fodder) was obserwed. The maximum extensity and intensity in nontreated animals were found in the period from July to October (85-90% infected lambs). In lambs treated with Lasalocid the extensity was very low, i.e. only in 5-10% of treated animals single oocysts were found. Final weight was higher by about 5.4 kg and wool piroductivity by about 0.32 kg in the Lasalocid treated, compared with the control, nontreated group.








Opis fizyczny



  • Zakład Higieny Weterynaryjnej, Kraków
  • Państwowy Zakład Leczniczy dla Zwierząt, Kamionka
  • Państwowy Zakład Leczniczy dla Zwierząt, Cieszyn


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