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2012 | 3/I |

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Ocena efektów scalenia gruntów wsi Borek realizowanego w związku z budową autostrady A4


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The assessment of the effects of the land consolidation in Borek village in conjunction with A4 motorway construction works

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Uzyskane efekty prac scaleniowych należy uznać za korzystne, w szczególności zlikwidowane zostało zjawisko braku dostępu działek do dróg oraz ich niekorzystny kształt, chociaż dokonało się to kosztem zwiększenia liczby działek ewidencyjnym na rozpatrywanym obszarze. Pomimo tych pozytywnych efektów, sformułowana została teza o braku wystarczających podstaw do objęcia wsi Borek postępowaniem scaleniowym o charakterze infrastrukturalnym, po pierwsze z uwagi na brak istotnego pogorszenia struktury przestrzennej przez projektowaną autostradę, po drugie przez praktyczny zanik działalności rolniczej na obszarze wsi objętym postępowaniem.
The article presents the assessment of land consolidation works carried out in the area which is part of the Borek village located in the Rzezawa commune, bocheński district. The land consolidation works in this area were conducted in connection with A4 motorway construction works (Kraków-Tarnów). The motorway cut into the land layout of the village in its southern area. The land consolidation works included 246 ha, which accounts for 26% of the whole area of the village. Currently (March, 2012) the base works on geodetic land consolidation plan have been completed, which allowed for carrying out analyses verifying the planned objectives and comparing the land layouts before and after land consolidation. However, the real completion of land layout reorganization depends on the completion of investments accompanying the land consolidation plan that includes building new elements of transport network. Before the land consolidation process the area of Borek was characterized by a genuinely disadvantageous spatial structure, including mainly vast, compact areas detached from the agricultural transport road network and the domination of excessively elongated plots of land. For the above-mentioned reasons, among others, a big part of the village, including the area cut by the motorway, has not been used for agricultural purposes. The results of land consolidation works should be assessed as beneficial. Particularly, the phenomena of land plots with no road access and their disadvantageous shape were eliminated, although it was done via an increase in the number of registered plots in this area. Despite these positive effects, there is a thesis stating that the Borek village lacks grounds to be approved for land consolidation works of infrastructural character. Firstly, it is due to the lack of substantial deterioration in spatial structure related to the planned motorway. Secondly, it is due to practical disappearance of farming in the area.






Opis fizyczny



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