Cuticular wax is the outermost layer of land plants and has complicated components. The amount and composition of wax change under different stresses. These changes are induced by the expression diversification of the gene that is involved in wax biosynthesis. In this paper, we describe the cDNA cloning and expression of a putative aldehyde decarbonylase gene, TaCer1, which is isolated from wheat for the first time. TaCer1 is involved in the decarbonylation pathway of wax biosynthesis and can regulate the contents of aldehydes and alkanes. It has three conservative histidine-rich motifs ordered as HX3H + HX2HH + HX2HH, as found in a number of other membrane-binding fatty acid desaturases. Effects of environmental adversities on the transcript profile of TaCer1 were also explored. It was found that TaCer1 was repressively expressed by abscisic acid, polyethylene glycol, salinity, cold and salicylic acid treatment. Darkness treatment also influenced the expression profile of TaCer1.